Diablo IV

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On June 6th, Blizzard's legendary game series, Diablo, made a long-awaited comeback with the release of Diablo IV. This thrilling game is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Our team contributed to the game's narrative by providing text, editing, and proofreading (TEP) services, as well as adapting and subtitling over 2 million words in both German and French.


We note that the sound atmosphere is perfect, with somber, disturbing, mysterious music, and high-quality English and French dubbing. It contributes to this special atmosphere and gives Diablo IV a peculiar charm.
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Surprisingly enough, the story and dialogues caught our attention: the main characters, such as Lilith the demon and Inarius the Archangel, are complex despite their origins.
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Le Beta testeur

The Diablo universe has always been known for its narration, its captivating story and its disturbing intrigues. On this matter, Diablo IV is no exception […]
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[…] The atmosphere in the cutscenes and the game is also conveyed brilliantly in German […]
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L'éclaireur Fnac

Cinematics are fully dubbed in French and the result is convincing, they will be with you along your journey.
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We used the English version of the video but the action role play game also has an excellent German translation.
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Der Stern

The cutscenes so far, the dialogues, the audio – on point.
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Superb art design & great German localization
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