Up until its release on March 25th, we had been putting our best efforts into getting Ghostwire localized into 13 different languages, along with 8 voice-overs, more than 800 hours of testing, additional marketing material, and overall more than 2.5 million translated words! That's why we're even more excited to see, that the reviews seem to be reflecting our efforts.
Let's have a look at what people had to say about our work on Ghostwire: Tokyo!
“The text and dialogue localization
is very well-done, and the terms are well chosen […].”
Saudi Gamer
“One of the things I liked the most was the translation of menus and texts into
perfect Arabic. It doesn't come across as a literal translation, and I consider
it the best Arabic translation of the year.”
“The menus and texts in the game have been perfectly translated into Arabic […].”
Brazilian Portuguese
“Another perfect job of localization, especially the dubbing […].
The translation and dubbing team preferred to keep the names in the
pronunciation of the original audio, so the KK becomes KeyKey, which I prefer,
since no one would want to see the name referring to a certain football player.”_______________________________________________________________________________________
Portal Do Nerd
“[…] the game boosts an excellent dubbing in Brazilian Portuguese […]”_______________________________________________________________________________________
Ultima Ficha
“It is worth praising the localization process. Despite being quite faithful
to the spirit of the game, there is a naturalness in the way the characters
interact in Portuguese, both in the dubbing and subtitles.”_______________________________________________________________________________________
“Very good dubbing in French.”
Player One
“KK is charismatic,
and the actor's performance was natural and authentic.
As the story unfolds, it keeps you hungry for how it will turn out.”
“Let's wrap up with a last positive aspect which is the French localization.
[…] And the quality is very good, the actors' performance for Akito
and KK is on point and fits the characters.”
Jeux Actu
“The biggest highlight of Ghostwire, and this refers to the entire game,
is the entertaining dialogues, which are excellently dubbed in German.
Tommy Morgenstern […] does a brilliant job, as does the rest of the cast […].”
“The synchro is also flawless in both German and English […].”
“We can also choose from various language versions - including Japanese,
English and German. All of the audio tracks deliver a convincing performance. […]
There is also nothing to complain about in the tested German and English texts.
An all-around great performance in terms of localization.”
“[…] with a great voice over in both Japanese and Italian,
as well as a great text adaptation into our language, to top it off.”
“[…] the dubbing, both in Italian
and in English and in Japanese (the three languages I tested) is excellent […].”
“[…] Japanese dubbing is well done
and the same goes for the localization in Italian, which is of high quality.”
Game Legend
Simplified Chinese
“The Chinese localization is great, tanukis speak Sichuan-dialect […],
I really enjoy this Chinese style.”
“[…] I must praise the Chinese localization team of Ghostwire: Tokyo.
The translation is very authentic, and the translators could use memes wisely.”
“The Chinese localization is excellent!”
“Ghostwire Tokyo features Spanish dubbing,
completely localizing the game in an outstanding way, with very
witty adaptations for different in-game food items
and with word plays when we talk to animals and Nekomata.”
“The most remarkable aspect of the game is its dubbing,
which both audio and text are available in Spanish. They are very well done.”
“The Spanish dubbing is another thing worth praising. As always, Bethesda Softworks
provides us with a flawless localization. Voice actors did an amazing job.”
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